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Published on 2019-10-11

Back to school for Solidfog Technologies !

Today we had the opportunity to present our company activities to some students involved in a program of linguistic exchange between seconda…

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Published on 2019-10-11

A new delivery towards new horizons

Solidfog Technologies, SPRL is currently delivering a system for the biodecontamination of one of the biggest bioprocessing facilities in Eu…

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Published on 2019-10-11

It's time for the annual full requalification !

Several Dosymist ready for annual requalification. Solidfog's technical department assume full requalification and calibration of equipment …

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Published on 2019-10-11

Manufacturing process of our DosyMist XL

Our DosyMist XL in current manufacturing process; from quality controlled components through pre-assembled tested kit up to ready for qualif…

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Published on 2019-10-11

Un travail d'équipe efficace

Quand 25 DosyMist XL sont prêts pour livraison, c'est un sentiment d'excitation, de les voir bientôt à l'oeuvre dans leur environnement clie…

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Published on 2019-10-11

Solidfog is certified ISO9001:2015

It's always an important step for a growing company to go through such a certification. Quality management has always been part of our DNA, …

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